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school shoes
their tiny shoes

Monday, January 6, 2014

Student Profile: Unisha Karki

If you come to visit the Stephens School, which I highly recommend, you cannot miss Unisha Karki. As boarders, her and Aaditi are always vying for attention, and often winning it. In class, Unisha is constantly making her friends laugh. Her partner in crime in the fourth grade classroom is Shuva, and the two of them together will get in loud, theatrical arguments all for the sake of a laugh—and they are usually the ones laughing the hardest.

Unisha: Hi I am Unisha from Nepal. I live in Chapali, Kathmandu. My hobby is to dance and play soccer. And I am 10 years old in grade 4 at the Stephens school.

Me: If you could change the school, what would you change?

Unisha: I would change the toilets because they are too dirty. The rooms are too small. We would play in a bigger room and we would work in our room instead of in KG classes. The grounds I would make it more bigger to play.

 Me: Tell me about your family

Unisha: There are nine people in my family. They all live at my house. Grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, mom, dad, me, and my two younger brothers, Aarush and Unish. I like them all and I like them to hang out. I think it’s better to live with my whole family because they help me. They help me to do some work and other things too.

Me: What do you want to be doing in ten years?

Unisha: In ten years… I want to have any job. I want to be in the U.S. because there is more facilities…

Me: What does that mean, more facilities?
Unisha: I don’t know [laughs]

Me: Hahaha OK. What’s your favorite subject?

Unisha: Science because in science we can cut the frogs and check what is inside them.

Me: Oh cool, you like biology and animals. So maybe you want to study or care for animals when you’re older?

Unisha: Yes. Maybe.

Me: Teach my friends two things about Nepal

Unisha: People in mountains wear very thick clothes because it is too cold there. Kathmandu Valley is in in middle of India and China.

Me: Who are your friends? What do you and your friends do when you hang out?

Unisha: Christina, Liza, Bidisha, Shuva. We take a break and play games like hide and seek.

Me: If you could say one thing and the whole world could hear, what would you say?

Unisha: um……I will tell the world that I want to go to space.

Me: What would you do in space?

Unisha: I would see planets and study them.

Studying planets

Studying my father, as if he's from another planet
(he is French...)

Me: If you could ask my friends and family any two questions, what would they be?

Unisha: How is America? And… what is your favorite place in America?

Me: What is your religion?

Unisha: I am Chettri.

What is your favorite holiday?

Unisha: Christmas. [Laughs] And Holi. We celebrate by hitting each other with colors and water balloons and we eat a lot. We eat meat like chicken meat. Colors means like tikka...

Me: Is there anything else you want to say to people in America about yourself before you go back to studying?

Unisha: Umm… I am good at drawing things… I look at the stars before I go to sleep at night.

Me: You’re not as talkative now like you are with your loud friends.

Unisha: [laughs]

Me: That’s ok, get back to study. Thanks Unisha.

1 comment:

  1. I think she is mesmerized by my vast knowledge of the universe.
